Direction - Ramanaidu Film School

Certified By: JNAFAU/RFS - Duration 12 months


Stream A - Direction & Screenwriting

Campus Images 3

Stream B - Cinematography

These two areas of specialization consist of two semesters each.

Course Objectives:  The super objective of the course structure for both the streams is to enable the students to develop skills in creative expression, technical rigour, team building and critical thinking by way of hands-on training.

Semester-I is integrated in its approach as it covers the fundamentals of film direction, screenwriting, cinematography, principles and techniques of editing, sound and film art and aesthetics with hands-on by way of intense theoretical inputs on a day to day basis and alternating practicals sessions and screening of films for analysis. Practicals are conducted in film continuity, live sound recording, writing and filming a dialogue sequence with relevant assignments and projects from time to time.

Project – I: Photo Story is common to both the streams. 

Project – II: Video StoryInvolves collaboration between a student of Direction& Screenwriting and a student of Cinematography

Semester-II is reserved for areas of specialization that includes at the same time common inputs on production design, film history and production management. 

For Stream A, Semester-II provides greater focus on advanced aspects of film direction and screenwriting along with special attention to film history, production design and production management.

For Stream B Semester-II provides greater focus on advanced aspects of cinematography with special attention to film history, production design and production management.

Project I – Song/Music Video Exercise

Project II – Ad Film/Documentary

Project III – Diploma/Thesis Short Film

Minimum Qualification – Under graduate

Why Ramanaidu Film School

  • Many graduates of RFS are in the mainstream film industry. 
  • The short duration of the courses offered is such that it does not consume years of your valuable time to get you started in your area of specialization and
  • The courses offered are available at a reasonable and affordable cost.